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Module 2: The REAL You At Work

Nancy Kalsow

Unleash YOUr Inner Leader Module 2: The REAL You At Work – Creating Alignment and Demonstrating Accountability

This is a continuation of my series on the Unleash YOUr Inner Leader program. If you haven’t read the first entry of the series describing Module 1, you can do that here.

Leadership is a decision, not a title. I know – I say that in every blog. But I want it to really sink in because it’s the foundation of the entire Unleash YOUr Inner Leader program. Leadership takes guts. You must decide that you will show up and do the tough things. You must decide to do so in alignment with your employer of choice. You must decide to be you AND support the organization. You must have the courage to take action while working “in the gray” and find the right balance between characteristics like:

· Grace AND Grit

· Being wise AND Humble

· Achieving results through collaboration AND courage

· Patience AND Perseverance

· Honesty AND Kindness

· Vulnerability AND Boundaries

Unleash YOUr Inner Leader is a 6-month program, broken down into 3 modules. Let’s dive into Module 2.

The second Module capitalizes on all the deep self-discovery you completed in Module 1; it centers on aligning your values, talents and experiences to your organization. We’ll work together to discover how to bridge any gap between where you are now in your career, and where you want to be.

While Module 1 was focused on the “R” in REAL (reflecting and reaffirming), Module 2 focuses on the E’s that are behind alignment and accountability – Engagement, Empowerment, Embrace, Effort, Energy, Enthusiasm, and Emotional Intelligence.

We’re going to leverage those E’s as you:

1. Increase your personal Engagement and Empowerment. You’ll evaluate your current level of engagement and empowerment. This is often an indication of how aligned you are to the position you hold and the company you serve. And with alignment comes boundaries for balance. We’re going to work on those, too. We’ll develop a plan to empower you to set boundaries and protect them.

2. Embrace your role and associated responsibilities. We’ll look at your values, talents, and skills to determine where they align, where they overlap, and where they conflict with your organization. You’ll learn to capitalize on your current strengths and play to them. Then you’ll identify the Effort and Energy you want to put into building your desired future state.

3. Gain Enthusiasm and Emotional intelligence. This is where we get serious on your ability to engage and empower others through collaboration, interdependencies and strategy. You’ll learn how your social awareness is impacting your potential and growth. We’ll determine some relationship management strategies you can implement immediately to increase your probability of success.

By the end of Module 2 you’ll acknowledge WHO YOU are (including your limitations) and see others for WHO THEY are in order to surround yourself with complementary knowledge and talents. You’ll have witnessed how vulnerability and interdependencies uncover the leader you want to be and how it will position you for achievement. You’ll have new ideas, more trust, increased confidence, and the courage to step into Module 3 where we’ll see the REAL you in action!

Get ready for the magic!

Connect with Nancy to determine if now is the right time for you to Unleash YOUr Inner Leader.

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